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Mallory Park

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:26 am
by techbod
As I'm sure some of you may be aware, Mallory Park is facing an uncertain future over noise levels.

More detail can be found on pistonheads:

There seems to be some journalistic license in some of the rumours floating around, most of the main groups involved appear to be saying they aren't actually trying to close it, but it may happen as an indirect result of curtailing the number of days it can operate.

If you feel it might help, there is a petition you can sign here trying to keep it going as a motorsport venue: . Never sure if these actually do anything but its better than doing nothing.
(Edit: URL replaced with shorthand version so it now works! Sorry)

Its important to try and keep the smaller and local tracks going if possible.

Do I remember going to see EricT there a couple of years ago?

Re: Mallory Park

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:10 am
by biggles
This sort of thing really boils my p+ss! Nimbys (for our overseas friends Not In My Backyard) buying houses near established tracks / airfields and then complaining about the noise.

Would they prefer a multi thousand housing estate built right next door then? Thought not, but that's what will happen if they get the place closed down....

Petition signed, if I can get it to work!