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Re: Distributor Rotors

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:28 pm
by jonclancy
Out for a run today, and The answer to my last question popped into my head.

Running a feed from the 12V starter motor line seems like a great idea... Until you stop cranking, the solenoid cuts the 12V feed to the coil, and you are then feeding 9V to the starter motor from the coil +!! OK, we could fit a diode, but why complicate things. The 'ballast' solenoids have two tags, but I could just piggyback from the ignition key feed into the solenoid. "Same, same, but different!" :)

The ignition circuit doesn't go through the solenoid, Jan. The 9V coil is fed by the output side of the ballast resistor. I just wanted an easier way to get more juice to the coil during cranking. Not that having a ballast makes that much difference to me, as I have no points and the reduced voltage benefit of the 1R5 coil is not relevant. But, the original Lumenition coil was a 1R5 vs standard 3R, so I replaced like with like to be sure...

Re: Distributor Rotors

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:31 pm
by jonclancy
I have a British Starter unit, btw. Like it, and great value. Well, it was until the Pound hit 1.33! ;)

Re: Distributor Rotors

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:34 pm
by Westfield 129
I just get rid of the points, and the ballast in all my older cars.

I have been running the Pertronix (Alden in the UK, I think) and Pertronix coil. Starting is instantaneous. Plenty of spark.

Even with your setup, there should be more than enough spark and you should not need additional voltage for starting.

Perhaps irridium plugs? Better wires from Magnacore? I have had starting problems with some wire types.

Yes, the £ is deliciously low. Great if one is buying tires or other parts from the UK!

There are a couple of local builders working on their newly delivered W11 kits here, and really loading up on bits from Peter May, MED 3J, and MWS. There are going to be some very fast W11s here in So. California.